do anyone have this skin please :(
forum.php?mod=image&aid=3076&size=300x300&key=dd547954bff6fdfab8d2d00f7d463fdf&nocache=yes&type=fixnoneno file !!! skyline1577 posted on 2012-4-16 13:27 static/image/common/back.gif
no file !!!
look at the title old skin!! gamaralm posted on 2012-4-16 13:30 static/image/common/back.gif
old skin!!
so what, he's only asking of someone would share that. zero-destiny posted on 2012-4-16 13:37 static/image/common/back.gif
so what, he's only asking of someone would share that.
Oh! srry, I did'nt read the title :( Jesus people READ THE TOPIC ALREADY.......
I'm sorry but I don't have this skin is there really a head that has enough polygons to make such a skin? Just see a skin thanks >.< admin please answer :(