[SKIN CONTEST] Kagemi the Spectral Dragon
I know some people are looking at GA2US Skin Contest right now to download a skin and post it here for their own profit. I am going to post the skin that I use for this contest here so no one would get any profit from it since I made it for FREE.My entry to the contest: http://getamped2.cyberstep.com/_/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=328&p=1220#p1220
Edited by DiTsu at 2015-2-3 12:58
Didn't even know there is a skin contest going on in US..
Thanks for sharing!
EDIT:Wish it was a male character tho.. Girls get all the high quality skins. v_v
{:5_168:}{:5_168:} {:5_168:}{:5_168:}{:5_168:} good \o
good {:5_166:} I'm sure someone will repost this in the future for 10 - 20 coins claiming it's rare. {:5_166:}{:5_166:} NICEEEEE and i verry like it {:5_139:}{:5_139:}{:5_139:} {:5_136:}{:5_136:}{:5_136:}{:5_136:}{:5_136:} StragoGA2 replied at 2015-2-3 22:31 static/image/common/back.gif
I'm sure someone will repost this in the future for 10 - 20 coins claiming it's rare.
If they do, Just help me and direct the people to the free one so they don't fall for it.