1 Converted Nice Skin
miku hatsunethx , i hope you buy it , thx again !
do you know what converted means?
It means that a skin is made bald (for the skinmaker so you can't see it) but you can buy it with the hair. This is done because some servers do not have certain heads, like the festive dragon/lion head etc. So please, don't mislead people with titles where you do not even know the meaning of. = = First this is not Hatsune Miku , second this is not convert skin . Mean of convert , Thomasu have explained very careful {:4_93:} Thomasu posted on 2012-5-19 09:58 static/image/common/back.gif
do you know what converted means?
It means that a skin is made bald (for the skinmaker so you can't...
Agree !! {:2_26:} oh really?
sorry i must be newbie in here {:4_95:}{:4_95:} miku hatsune ??? sr but it so bad to be miku {:4_85:} tks for sharing !!!