Arme Grand Chase Skin
{:5_166:}{:5_166:}{:5_166:} {:5_165:}{:5_165:}{:5_165:} So cute! But what exactly is Grand Chase? ewe {:5_168:}{:5_168:}{:5_168:}{:5_168:}{:5_168:} amgeleo021 replied at 2016-6-8 07:06 static/image/common/back.gif
So cute! But what exactly is Grand Chase? ewe
It is an online game made by KOG , but unfortunately the servers were closed xD :l {:5_167:}{:5_167:}{:5_167:}{:5_167:} still missing GC , i played the several years ago in GCID {:5_142:} Ooo cute~! Nice Skins <3{:5_137:}{:5_139:}{:5_139:}