redsilver Publish time 2016-7-3 21:38:51

And his name is.....GUM!!!

Edited by redsilver at 2016-7-3 21:41

Hello Everyone ! ^.^

I'd Like to share a skin i made to you guys !

Its a charachter that came in my mind while listening to music :o and i called him Gum, He is a Giant Guardian !

Here is some pictures :

fauxz Publish time 2016-7-4 01:12:48

redsilver Publish time 2016-7-4 03:27:47

fauxz replied at 2016-7-4 01:12 static/image/common/back.gif
Coolio !!

Thank chu!

Luminaris Publish time 2016-7-4 21:42:20

Hey Redflash here nice job :)

redsilver Publish time 2016-7-5 20:26:12

Luminaris replied at 2016-7-4 21:42 static/image/common/back.gif
Hey Redflash here nice job :)

Thank Chu !

disgusthuman Publish time 2017-2-6 04:27:30

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