drunkenbear Publish time 2013-4-28 23:45:03

Thanks 4 sharing!

karenton Publish time 2013-4-29 01:09:03

nice skin i also found out that the a-a actually helps its anti antializing (however u spell it) and when in game it looks cool like for example some skins have a pixel feel to them when a-a is on and u draw with it every thing looks perfect that what many of the good skin makers use now these days and i will try to use it as well

thejokert7 Publish time 2013-5-13 07:14:50

Nice Skins {:5_136:}

RonaldoHermanto Publish time 2013-5-16 14:49:05

thx for share {:5_154:}

SenyorAhmed Publish time 2013-5-17 11:08:03

thanks very much

BrayanValens Publish time 2013-5-18 02:24:46


GF6202788904 Publish time 2013-5-21 15:05:10

nice skins {:4_96:}

monokoto96 Publish time 2013-5-25 02:54:00

thanks 4 share, but i don't like it

wictor456 Publish time 2013-6-1 20:16:05


a9518241 Publish time 2013-6-3 16:34:44

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