Fogsfighters hacking
Last edited by CianoHuang on 2013-6-19 17:55if anyone knows more information please tell me i got coins to give
i dont think we are allowing to share something about hacking within getamped gaming here... why did he got 100 coins? dafuq dude! 100 coin!? Give me please...{:5_142:} well i try 2 explain it. there was/is one hacker on fogs thats use DOShacking. he hacked the GM (GameMaster) and then he gives some accounts 2 random people. he also gives the #1 account but that was buy by someone and he said that he gives it back 2 Weihao Yu/Harry Yu. when i was online he wrote my password in my sign. and he did that by a lot of people. the last thing that he did was that he put all the top 100 passwords on a site. idk which site but im seaching
and now is the fogsfighters site: is gone? i cant go on that site
A hacker appeared and made a site with all the accounts and passwords of all the players :/
Our admin number 1 player was hacked and China Town has been deleted China Town has been delete d its a !!!!!!! boy whos dow that i know who.. FogsFighters name : Skrill3X i want hack him but i cant go on the game or site DOSattack.. There were DOSAttacks this wasn't something why those accounts are given away, Realfogs try to find the person who did this.
The hack of accounts is a different player that plays Qpang and like hacking. He had hack to get all accounts, and thought I let my friend go on the GM account of Fogsfighters and let him tell accounts. It is happen and now realfogs try to make the forum and site and game good and bidding excuse to the players, who has been hacked or can't play the game for a while.
I hope you guys got more information by my post.
- Kevin
Warfare posted on 2013-3-11 15:32 static/image/common/back.gif
There were DOSAttacks this wasn't something why those accounts are given away, Realfogs try to find...
Ciano and I have already figured out that you was the hacker, Legit ;p plazasongs posted on 2013-3-11 16:38 static/image/common/back.gif
Ciano and I have already figured out that you was the hacker, Legit ;p
GTFO Off, I am Legit idiot, And I haven't hacked some1, but if people say loudly accounts i will go on it and if i should hack it I would change the password, and that isn't happening