Getamped - Attack on Titans
Hello people with Dylan again :P Uhmm let`s keep it short :PIf you are an anime fan like me you probably know the anime called : "Attack on Titans"
Well the creators of Getamped Korea know it that`s for sure! And that`s why they made the accesoire called :
"3D Maneuver Gear accesoire"
If you want to see more click Here!
awesome gear {:5_149:} i want it {:5_162:} Ha,ha long time I wait for this acces {:5_128:} Now it's SHOW TIME!!! {:5_157:}
awesome gear{:4_85:} i ya {:5_146:} so good
I like >< omg some running acce.. give it to noobs and you will never get it Thank you guys for reading my thread! I`ll soon upload gameplay to my youtube channel so please stay tuned at : my channel