NekoKun Publish time 2013-9-22 13:28:39

Help ~.~

Last edited by NekoKun on 2013-9-23 21:55

Could someone pass me this skin? {:5_148:}

Thank you!

mattman18 Publish time 2013-9-22 14:38:38

sorry idk what that skin is :x but where did you get the picture from? maybe if you find where i could find it :v {:5_162:}

Aikatsu Publish time 2013-9-22 15:08:50

For some reason I think I downloaded that last week but I don't know the file name :/

Abdullah015 Publish time 2013-9-22 17:46:14

That skin is from To love Ru- Darkness. Her name is ........ , what was her name. Seriously to think I forgot it. Oh yeah, her name was Mikan. Good luck, but I don't have that skinfile. Don't remember anything like that.

hakaishiro Publish time 2013-9-22 21:52:46

I want that skin, but my friend don't give me ;-; {:5_148:}

maximok11 Publish time 2013-9-22 21:55:21

nice skin o-o

NekoKun Publish time 2013-9-23 21:54:01

mattman18 posted on 2013-9-22 14:38 static/image/common/back.gif
sorry idk what that skin is :x but where did you get the picture from? maybe if you find where i cou ...


NekoKun Publish time 2013-9-23 21:54:43

Abdullah015 posted on 2013-9-22 17:46 static/image/common/back.gif
That skin is from To love Ru- Darkness. Her name is ........ , what was her name. Seriously to think ...


~Shura Publish time 2013-9-24 03:33:02

So cute! I need her {:5_162:}

kantuk11 Publish time 2013-10-6 12:18:52

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