Edited by hahuongnhat13 at 2018-3-8 16:07
New Update - 8/3/2018 - 11:07 PM
Hello All , I am Hà Hướng Nhật . I am from Việt Nam .
I did share album my skin before , but have some reason and i did delete my album .
And now i am come back with big event . really big event for all getamped player in the world .
This is my album skin collection
My album skin is 10 year to complete
This link is all skin file and all skin picture , please copy and paste this link :
Is 2,5GB . - 3854 skin file and 3854 skin picture .
Please download , and you got 10 year of me just in 10 minute
Share for your friends if you feel love my album skin collection
And add friends with me if you want .
This Is My Facebook : www.facebook.com/hahuongnhat1
Your Smile Is All I Need .
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